Commonly Asked Anya Questions

Is the name ANYA an acronym?

No, it is a name.

Why give it a human name?

The ANYA system was so special to us and so technologically advanced that giving it a simple alphanumeric like the majority of EAW products simply didn’t feel right to us. We wanted to represent the system as special and we believe that giving it an attractive name would create endearment. It seems to be working.

You’re “Beam Steering” Right?

We call our approach “Adaptive Performance” which is much more involved than simply beam steering. Once a 3D model is created in Resolution, the software resolves the entire coverage pattern in three dimensions based on the available ANYA modules.

How do you handle off-stage coverage?

ANYA arrays are built horizontally in columns. A single column of ANYA would represent 70 degrees of usable horizontal coverage. When another column is added to the array, the coverage of each column is reduced to 60 degrees due to a built-in overlap that is there on purpose.

Do I need down-fill speakers?

No, anything on ANYA’s axis can be covered by ANYA. A benefit of this technology is that in the near fill areas, ANYA will only direct as much energy as is necessary to cover the area and balance the SPL. This is quite different to a typical line array where X number of enclosures need to be committed to cover the audience in this near fill area. Stage lip coverage is still a consideration though.

How many ANYA modules do I need?

This has been the question forever in pro audio. There are three conditions to be reviewed when determining how many ANYA modules would be necessary for any given venue. If you want the REAL story, you would use Resolution 2 to model the venue, set the criteria and have it determine how many modules are required. As far as the basics are concerned, the user must consider horizontal coverage, SPL requirement and directivity. The vertical on an ANYA system is user defined and based on active surfaces.