OTTO Rejection Modes

It is recommend you take the ADAPTive Training listed below to understand how ADAPTive systems works:

Below is a basic breakdown of what is happening when changing rejection modes. Please email for more details:


This is based on a simple 2-source deep example, it gets much more complicated with more sources.

0% - Sources align at audience surface – No Rejection angle / zone chosen This typically results in end fire, but can be omni when needed.

25% - Rejection angle chosen / End fire with slight gain taper towards rear

50% - Same as 25% with more gain taper towards rear

75% - Rejection method changes to Cardioid (no gain taper)

100% - Cardioid with gain taper


The gain taper (in 25/50/100) permits more rejection closer to the array, which is commonly needed with subwoofers placed close to the stage location.  In this example, it doesn’t provide benefit at the desired location.


A different array configuration will likely permit better rejection.  For example, with a special proprietary filter it has the ability to produce multi-cell deep cardioid arrays, and then it can end fire them together to maintain bandwidth of the rejection.  (A group of 3 Otto is the maximum cardioid only rejection.)